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Target and the Transgender Video Voyeur
By   |   07.25.16
image_pdfimage_printWhen Target announced its transgender-friendly restroom and fitting room policy in April, the American Family Association (AFA) almost immediately called for a boycott. (You can sign the petition here.) What alarmed us in particular was Target’s eagerness to allow grown...
“Gay Conservative” Is an Oxymoron
By   |   05.11.15
image_pdfimage_printThe political editor of a nominally conservative website,, revealed this week that he is a practicing homosexual. Guy Benson will write in a book coming out soon that he is gay and a supporter of marriage based on the...
Protecting your church from the “Gay Gestapo”
By   |   01.02.15
image_pdfimage_printYour church may be the next one approached to host a gay wedding and your pastor asked to perform the ceremony. So what can you do to fend off the lawsuits that are certain to follow when you refuse? Homosexual...
Time for a Governor to Stand up to Judicial Tyranny
By   |   11.29.14
Any ruling from any federal court that imposes domestic policy on a state is by its very nature unconstitutional, and no governor has any obligation to obey it.
Huckabee Points the Way: Impeach Tyrannical Judges
By   |   05.23.14
image_pdfimage_print“The Governor should call a special session of the legislature and impeach the judge and affirm the people’s will. If the people wish to allow same-sex marriage, they can put that matter on the ballot and vote for it. Or...
The NFL’s Inexcusable Lack of Compassion for Michael Sam
By   |   05.12.14
In the drafting of Michael Sam, the NFL may have succeeded in keeping the Gay Gestapo off its back. But the league has fumbled badly by extolling behavior that may well turn out to be a death sentence for this young man.
Breaking the Power of Federal Tyranny, One Elected Official at a Time
By   |   04.01.14
image_pdfimage_printAmerica’s latest heroine is Robin Bartlett Frazier. She staged her own tea party event last Thursday by tossing an out-of-control federal judge overboard like a trunk of tea by taking a stand for religious liberty. May her tribe increase. Ms....
World Vision Needs to Clean House
By   |   03.27.14
image_pdfimage_printWorld Vision, in one of the most abrupt turnarounds in modern history, has done a complete about-face on its embrace of sodomy-based marriage. Less than 48 hours after saying the organization was just fine hiring couples who were in same-sex...
Obama Bulldozes Jefferson’s Wall of Separation
By   |   02.10.12
image_pdfimage_printYou’d think President Obama, who professes, as all lefties do, to idolize Thomas Jefferson, would know better. But alas, by imposing an abortifacient requirement on all private employers, including Catholic hospitals and universities, Obama has taken a bulldozer to Jefferson’s...
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The Push to Limit “Choice” to Abortion in Illinois
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