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Christian Parents, Your Kids Aren’t Equipped to be Public School Missionaries
By   |   04.04.17
image_pdfimage_printA concerned parent sent me this. It’s the school newspaper for Mary Ellen Henderson Middle School in Falls Church, Virginia. Among the other hard hitting pieces of journalism targeted at children, ages 11-13, is an article on “transgender rights.” The...
Liberals, This Girl Is In Jail For Aborting Her Newborn. Why Won’t You Defend Her?
By   |   07.01.16
image_pdfimage_printIt is a wonderful time to be a member of the leftist Death Cult. There were four major news items from the baby-killing department just this week. You probably heard about three of them. Maybe not the fourth. First, the...
There Is No Such Thing as Marriage Equality
By   |   10.15.14
Some people have accused me of being against marriage equality. This is completely unfair. I’m not against it. I’m not anti-it. I don’t oppose it. I don’t think it should be prevented. I don’t think we should ban marriage equality or make it illegal.
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The Push to Limit “Choice” to Abortion in Illinois
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