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The Legalization Of Medical Marijuana: Misuse Inevitable– A Personal Perspective
By   |   12.20.11
image_pdfimage_printThe legalization of “medical” marijuana is certainly a complicated issue. I am against legislation that would sanction the use of this drug for a number of reasons. I do not want to sound as though I have a lack of...
Nat’l Organ. Believes Doctors & Patients Best Qualified to Make Health Care Decisions, Not Gov’t
By   |   11.04.10
image_pdfimage_printDocs 4 Patient Care: National Organization Believes Doctors & Patients Best Qualified To Make Health Care Decisions, Not Government Bureaucrats: Repeal ObamaCare. Quickly growing association of highly respected physicians believe Health Care Reform Bill was intentionally designed to fail: The...
It’s Time To Stop The Public Funding Of NPR and PBS: Juan Williams’ Firing Brings Issue To Forefront
By   |   11.01.10
image_pdfimage_printThe flap over the firing of Juan Williams as a news analyst for National Public Radio (NPR) has created a firestorm of controversy. Williams supposedly violated NPR’s policy regarding interjecting personal commentary while reporting on the news. As a political...
Passing The Buck Won’t Do
By   |   09.22.10
image_pdfimage_printWho Is Responsible And What Needs To Be Done To Adequately Monitor Illinois Day Care Centers? In Part I of this IFI series, we brought attention to a report from the Illinois Auditor General, William Holland, which revealed some stunning...
Chicago “Bubble Zone” Case Burst For The Third Time
By   |   08.23.10
image_pdfimage_printThose who will do anything possible to quash dissent regarding the issue of abortion were foiled once again on Wednesday, August 18, 2010. The case against David Avignone, an MBA student at Chicago’s Loyola University, was dropped by the City...
Atheist Pushes His Im-morality and Ir-religion
By   |   08.21.10
image_pdfimage_printIn a recent meeting of the Marion City Council, local resident Ken Kessler proposed erecting a display of the Ten Commandments that would stand in a public square. There have been two meetings so far where the issue has been...
Media Ignores Homosexuality’s Role In Catholic Church Child Sexual Abuse Scandal
By   |   08.04.10
image_pdfimage_printTom Roeser is Chairman of the Advisory Board of Catholic Citizens of Illinois, a conservative political activist and the host of a talk show that can be heard on WLS radio (890 AM) on Sunday evenings. Roeser recently blasted three ...
Media Ignores Obscenities at Chicago’s “Gay” Pride Parade
By   |   07.10.10
image_pdfimage_printOn Sunday, June 27th, one of the largest “Gay” Pride Parades in the country took place in the city of Chicago. According to the Chicago Sun-Times, supposedly 450,000 people lined the streets in the city’s Lakeview neighborhood for the 41st...
Strategic Default Strategy: A Plan For Illinois Homeowners To Walk Away From Current Mortgages and Moral Obligations
By   |   07.08.10
image_pdfimage_printRecently, I was shocked to learn about how hundreds or perhaps thousands of Illinois homeowners are using a strategy called “strategic default” to walk away from their current mortgage obligations. Literally thousands of homeowners in Illinois and across the country...
The Style Book: How The Establishment Media Uses Politically Correct Language To Impact Thought
By   |   05.28.10
image_pdfimage_printIFI Media Watch You probably haven’t noticed it. It is subtle, yet powerful. It’s a tool that changes the way Americans process the news they receive via television, print and radio. What am I talking about? The style book. Ever...
South Park’s Attacks On Faith: Irreverence For Irreverence Sake, Not Humor
By   |   05.26.10
image_pdfimage_printThroughout civilization, there have been those who have attempted to find humor at the expense of others. This has been the case in American history as well. People who are different because of their social class, skin color, ethnic or...
Will Comcast Purchase Of NBC Universal Lead To Change In Network News Division’s Liberal Agenda?
By   |   05.04.10
image_pdfimage_printComcast, a giant media conglomerate, is currently in the process of purchasing NBC Universal. Comcast is the nation’s largest cable service provider, serving 39 states and the District of Columbia. When negotiations are completed, Comcast will have controlling interest of...
Health Care Reform Law: Medicare & Services To Seniors To Take Huge Hit: Why did Mainstream Media Ignore Facts About What’s In The Bill?
By   |   04.09.10
image_pdfimage_printWhether one is a Republican, Democrat or Independent, it was clear over 55% of the American people were against the recently passed health care reform bill. As Americans learn about what’s actually in the bill–passed by the U.S. House of...
IFI Media Watch Chicago Sun-Times Columnist Mark Brown Explains “Dirty Little Secret” Regarding Vote Count In Illinois GOP Gubernatorial Primary: Great Read For Political Outsiders
By   |   03.11.10
image_pdfimage_printPerhaps by the time you’re reading this column, the primary results from the February 2, 2010 Republican gubernatorial primary will have been released. Yes, it’s taken one month for state officials to tabulate the numbers regarding the primary race between...
Chicago Sun-Times Columnist Mark Brown Explains “Dirty Little Secret” Regarding Vote Count In Illinois
By   |   03.11.10
image_pdfimage_printPerhaps by the time you’re reading this column, the primary results from the February 2, 2010 Republican gubernatorial primary will have been released. Yes, it’s taken one month for state officials to tabulate the numbers regarding the primary race between...
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The Push to Limit “Choice” to Abortion in Illinois
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