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Are You a “NALT” Christian?
By   |   09.25.13
image_pdfimage_printThe movement to normalize homosexuality is not just asking people to affirm this lifestyle, it’s demanding it. Your objections mean very little to homosexual advocates who believe their sexual preference should be more than tolerated-it should be celebrated. But this...
Will Church Speech Be Regulated?
By   |   09.05.13
image_pdfimage_printA new report by the Evangelicals Council for Financial Accountability says that the government’s attempts to regulate the political involvement and speech of 501(c)(3) groups, particularly churches, is ineffective. A combination of factors, such as the vagueness of laws, inconsistent...
Strong, Informed Pastors Help Christians Live Faith Publicly
By   |   08.30.13
image_pdfimage_printPastors, your church needs you to be engaged—fully engaged—in the issues people are facing every day. Maybe you are not personally facing these issues, but they might be. If congregants come to you for help and advice and all you...
When Men Cross-Dress – Bad Things Happen
By   |   08.16.13
image_pdfimage_printYou know how conservatives are always warning against non-discrimination laws that include sexual orientation and gender identity language? We try to communicate that not only are such laws unnecessary, but also pose a threat to other freedoms. For example, they...
Common Sense Abortion Measures Protect Women
By   |   08.09.13
image_pdfimage_printAside from killing a child, abortion carries life-long consequences. I am guilty of being too focused on the unborn and forgetting the scars a woman will carry as a result of abortion. In no way am I diminishing the loss...
Supporters of Marriage Redefinition Admit We’re Right
By   |   08.03.13
image_pdfimage_printI don’t know exactly how long I’ve been saying this, but I know it’s been a few years. I wasn’t alone in declaring this truth, but I was among the minority willing to state it publicly. I was ridiculed and...
DOJ Pride Wants to Require Employees to Support LGBT Lifestyle
By   |   07.30.13
image_pdfimage_printAn LGBT activist group called DOJ Pride would like for all DOJ employees to not just accept the homosexual lifestyle, but to affirm and support it in a vocal way. As they made clear, “silence will be interpreted as disapproval.”...
Straw Man Arguments Against Marriage Redefinition Seem Legit
By   |   07.17.13
The question has been asked “how does same-sex ‘marriage’ hurt anyone?” It’s one of those deceptive arguments designed to emphasize personal narratives over smart public policy and facts in the marriage debate. After all, if it doesn’t “hurt” anyone else, or keep anyone from living their heterosexual life, surely it can’t be wrong.
Are Marriage and Life Central to the Gospel?
By   |   07.06.13
image_pdfimage_printI continue to be amazed at the number of people who tell me their pastor never talks about abortion or marriage from the pulpit. As if those topics were not biblical moral issues deeply entrenched in the Gospel. The excuses...
How Will the Church Respond to the SCOTUS Rulings?
By   |   07.06.13
image_pdfimage_printI intentionally waited to share my thoughts on the SCOTUS rulings from last week. Did you see all those articles that flooded newsfeeds and blogs? I perused over a hundred in two days myself. But the press is slowing down...
Christians: If You Don’t Speak Up These People Will
By   |   06.27.13
image_pdfimage_printI unashamedly believe that pastor’s must not simply take a position on the critical issues facing our culture, but must be ready and willing to stand up and speak up. It is no longer adequate or acceptable to merely espouse...
Homosexuals Champion Sexual Perception Over Biology
By   |   06.19.13
image_pdfimage_printOne of the biggest problems facing our culture has nothing to do with the actual biology and sexual orientation of people. As we all know, biology is formed before we are born, and sexual orientation is intricately linked to it....
Neurobiologist Tells Senate Committee Unborn Babies Feel Pain at 20 Weeks
By   |   06.11.13
image_pdfimage_printDr. Maureen Condic, Ph.D., an Associate Professor of Neurobiology and Anatomy at the University of Utah and obtained her Ph.D. from University of California, Berkeley, recently testified before an U.S. Senate sub-committee on the science of fetal pain. Her testimony...
Silence Against Homosexuality Now Considered Opposition
By   |   06.08.13
Some prefer to take the quiet approach to the marriage issue. They want to “speak with their actions” rather than engage in meaningful dialogue or use words that others would understand. Hey, I’m all for living a life that shows others what I am about. I do that by being in church every Sunday, celebrating Christmas and Easter rather than...
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The Push to Limit “Choice” to Abortion in Illinois
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