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Attacks on Prayer From Anti-Christian Foundation
By   |   12.15.15
image_pdfimage_printThere’s an enormous misunderstanding regarding the U.S. Constitution as it relates to religion and it’s causing all sorts of trouble for folks that just want to pray. The misunderstanding is being intentionally propagated by an atheist group that wants to...
Doritos Takes Sides in Culture Wars
By   |   09.21.15
image_pdfimage_printHow do you like your Doritos? Original nacho cheese? Cool ranch? Or do you prefer homosexual chips? That, apparently, is the newest choice that Doritos is giving consumers. The company, owned by Frito-Lay and a division of PepsiCo, announced that...
Prison Ministers Can’t Identify Sexual Sin as Sin
By   |   08.19.15
image_pdfimage_printOne of the main talking points of the LGBTQI movement has always been that homosexuality “doesn’t affect anyone.” But only the most blindly naïve person could even utter such a statement with a straight face. In light of the U.S....
Atheist Richard Dawkins Wants to Keep Parents from Imposing Religion On Kids – While Imposing His Religion
By   |   04.01.15
image_pdfimage_printRichard Dawkins recently made one of the most ironic statements I’ve heard this week. During an interview for The Irish Times Dawkins, speaking about children, said: “Children do need to be protected so that they can have a proper education...
Is Your Retirement Account Built On Abortion? Shouldn’t You Know?
By   |   12.19.14
image_pdfimage_printShould a person’s faith determine everyday actions such as where to shop and spend money? As the Christmas holiday approaches that question takes on a greater significance. Nothing sends a message quite like money. It stands to reason then that...
Understanding the Progressive Sexual Ideology: Sex for Everyone – Even Kids!
By   |   07.18.14
image_pdfimage_printWhen LGBTQ activist, and U.S State Department guest speaker, Masha Gessen was asked about the issue of marriage, she did not mince words. The activist made it clear that she believes homosexuals should have the right to marry, that’s not...
IRS Proposes Restrictions on Voter Guides
By   |   02.04.14
image_pdfimage_printHave you ever read a voter guide or perused a legislative scorecard? Maybe you are one of the many Americans that have helped with a voter registration drive because you believe every citizen should be involved in electing their lawmakers....
Think Abstinence Doesn’t Matter? Look At This Graph!
By   |   01.27.14
image_pdfimage_printWhy does Planned Parenthood push so hard to get explicit sex-education in schools? Why do pro-abortion groups want to get condoms and birth control in the hands of middle and high school students? The graph below answers these questions. According...
State Marriage Defense Act
By   |   01.16.14
image_pdfimage_printA very important, albeit confusing, ruling was handed down by the Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) last summer.  In the United States v. Windsor case, the Supreme Court struck down the federal definition of marriage contained in the...
Anti-Christian Discrimination at A&E
By   |   12.23.13
Ever since reports surfaced that A&E was trying to crack down on religious expressions by the Robertson family during taping of their mega-hit show Duck Dynasty, we knew it was just a matter of time. And now it’s finally happened. As you know, it became a media firestorm throughout the country when Duck Dynasty star Phil Robertson was punished -- placed on “indefinite hiatus” -- for his remarks on homosexual behavior. When this news broke, the Internet and social media exploded.
Macy’s Walks Onto the Naughty List with Kinky Boots
By   |   12.13.13
image_pdfimage_printCorrection: Macy’s has stated that it was the victim of a “prank” that involved a flyer falsely advertising an event involving Santa in “kinky boots” to be held at the State Street store in Chicago. IFI regrets including a discussion...
Internet Pornography at the Local Library
By   |   11.22.13
image_pdfimage_printMany people think public libraries are obsolete in the age of the Internet, yet libraries remain a valuable asset to any neighborhood. But just imagine taking your kids to your local library on a beautiful, sunny day to find some...
The Top 3 Reasons Parents Choose to Home Educate
By   |   10.29.13
image_pdfimage_printHave you ever wondered what it is about home schooling the government, whether American or otherwise, finds so objectionable? It seems to me that teachers who are often overwhelmed by large class sizes would welcome having a few less students...
Will Discrimination Cost Us Religious Freedom?
By   |   10.21.13
image_pdfimage_printHow exactly is discrimination defined, and what constitutes discrimination? These are questions that are not merely hypothetical or conjecture anymore, these are serious questions that every person must definitively answer. The culture is currently trying to define the word discrimination...
You Might Be “Offended” by Reading This
By   |   10.09.13
image_pdfimage_printIf I said something like “I wish we still had segregation,” or “women shouldn’t be allowed to vote,” you would probably be offended. And rightly so. But why? Would you be offended because you understand the context of my words...
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The Push to Limit “Choice” to Abortion in Illinois
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