Articles by Micah Clark
A Major Problem that Explains a lot in Society
By Micah Clark   |   09.30.20
image_pdfimage_printIn the last two weeks I have met with two legislators who separately made the same observation as we discussed various cultural problems and issues of the day.  They both said this all goes back to the breakdown of the...
Higher Education and Liberal Indoctrination
By Micah Clark   |   09.10.20
There is an interesting article about liberal views on college campuses seeking to address the question, “Does college make students more liberal?”   It is written by several college professors, funded by the Andrew Mellon Foundation, and promoted by Ohio State and North Carolina State Universities.
Perspective Should Make Us Thankful Americans
By Micah Clark   |   08.13.20
There is a lot of talk of oppression, privilege and struggles in America right now. Unfortunately, the vast majority of this dialogue is in the negative sense, very often as a smear against our system of governance.  Americans have a tendency to look through a lens that clouds not only our history, but it also limits our views to an Ameri-centric perspective.
The Intolerance of the Tolerance Culture
By Micah Clark   |   07.31.20
After two decades of hearing the virtues of tolerance and diversity, American society has become increasingly intolerant, and because of that, less diverse when it comes to the ability to offer opinions in public and private discourse.
Cancel Culture is Upon Us
By Micah Clark   |   07.02.20
image_pdfimage_printDemocrats in California have passed a resolution to tear down a statue of John Wayne and to remove his name from the airport where it stands. The reason they say that they are doing this stems from a 1971 interview...
A Powerful Slogan Hides Core Issues
By Micah Clark   |   06.18.20
If you have logged on to Netflix, Amazon, and other places recently, you have probably seen some of corporate America’s virtue signaling through banners in support of Black Lives Matter.  By itself, it is a powerful slogan which no one can disagree with, even if you’d prefer to say all lives matter.  However, there’s more to this than just a slogan.
America Is Not Racist
By Micah Clark   |   06.11.20
image_pdfimage_printI am really torn about what to say about the upheaval going on in our nation. I have spent a lot of time reading, researching, and listening to various sermons, presentations, and articles on things like the social justice movement,...
Racism is Your Fault, You Just Don’t Realize It
By Micah Clark   |   06.05.20
image_pdfimage_printThere are a lot of really bad ideas swirling around our culture right now.  (That headline is one of them.) Among many bad ideas, I am concerned about the things being embraced by various people and groups in a manner...
To be Most Happy, You Should Marry Your Soul Mate
By Micah Clark   |   05.28.20
You may have noticed in modern movies that there is an ideal of finding one’s soulmate in romantic movies. Modern progressive ideology of a marriage being about self-fulfillment, more than commitment, is clearly evident in our culture.
Church Lawsuits Stacking Up
By Micah Clark   |   05.01.20
One of the nation’s leading religious freedom law firms, The Liberty Counsel, has recently reported that it is receiving a flood of complaints on behalf of pastors and ministry leaders in 30 states regarding heavy handed tactics singling out churches for punishment during shutdown orders. They are taking legal action in numerous situations to defend the constitutional rights of religious freedom.
Are Divorce Rates the Same Among Christians and Non-Christians?
By Micah Clark   |   03.13.20
image_pdfimage_printOne of the often-cited claims that seems to have taken hold is that the divorce rate in the church is the same as outside of the church. Yet, is this really true? The claim overlooks what the research really says...
Marriage and the “Success Sequence”
By Micah Clark   |   01.17.20
We hear politicians talk a lot about pathways to success, or methods to improve economic outcomes, but one factor almost never mentioned is marriage.  In fact, traditional marriage is generally looked down upon in American culture today.
Is America More Tolerant than Ever Before?
By Micah Clark   |   12.06.19
image_pdfimage_printThe Merriam-Webster dictionary defines tolerance as: A: “sympathy or indulgence for beliefs or practices differing from or conflicting with one’s own; or B: the act of allowing something: Toleration.” Modern culture would like for you to believe that America went...
Answering A Common Pro-Choice Argument
By Micah Clark   |   11.14.19
One the leading pro-life experts in America today is a longtime friend and hero of mine, and a former pastor in Fort Wayne. Michael Spencer is with the Life Training Institute.  If you ever get a chance to attend one of his workshops, they are worth every minute.  In a recent newsletter, Michael gives an excellent explanation of a pro-abortion response that you have probably encountered.
Many Americans Just Don’t Know . . . While Others Must Have Forgotten
By Micah Clark   |   11.08.19
image_pdfimage_printLess than 20 years into the 21st Century and it seems that many Americans have either forgotten, or simply do not know about, what could arguably be described as the largest worldwide scourge of the 20th Century.  Roughly...
Micah Clark
Executive Director
Micah Clark

In 1989 Micah Clark graduated from Southwest Baptist University in Bolivar, Missouri with a bachelor’s degree in Political Science. Micah interned as a member of the Indiana House of Representatives’ Republican staff and later became an Assistant Campaign Manager for a State Senator.

Micah then served as a legislative assistant for Citizens Concerned for the Constitution. He served as the Indiana Family Institute’s Director of Public Policy, and later as its Executive Director, throughout the 1990’s. Micah is the only person to have served with all three of Indiana’s top statewide pro-family organizations.

In November 2001, Micah became the Executive Director of the American Family Association of Indiana. His experience has helped AFA expand into an organization with a consistent state house presence while maintaining its role as Indiana’s leading decency organization. Since joining AFA of Indiana Micah has conducted nearly 400 media interviews as its executive director.

Governor Frank O’Bannon appointed Micah to serve on his Education Roundtable. Micah was re-appointed for a second term by Governor Joe Kernan. In October 2007, Citizens for Community Values of Indiana named Micah its “Citizen of the Year” for his work for family values in the political arena as both the head of AFA of Indiana and the President of the AFA of Indiana Political Action Committee. In September 2008 Micah was given the Respect Life Award from Right to Life of Indianapolis for his leadership on life issues in Indiana.

Micah’s wife is a marriage and family therapist at a Christian counseling center. They have two children.

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