Articles by Micah Clark
Do Conservatives Have Happier Families?
By Micah Clark   |   10.26.19
More than half of all those who identify as “conservative” have happy family lives, compared to just 4 in 10 who identify as “liberal” or “moderate” according to the American Family Study conducted by YouGov.   At the same time, conservatives are more concerned about the condition of the family in America overall than are their moderate or liberal counterparts.
A Special Kind<BR>of Sickness
By Micah Clark   |   10.18.19
image_pdfimage_printThe corrupting nature of abortion is something almost no one in the media, and no one in the political arena supportive of the procedure, dare discuss.   If there is anything positive at all about the bizarre story of Ulrich Klopfer...
The Decline in Religious Faith is Having a Role in Nation’s Drug Crisis
By Micah Clark   |   10.11.19
image_pdfimage_printIn the latest Gallup survey, only 46 percent of Americans think that religion can answer today’s problems, but the reality is that religion provides answers for one of today’s biggest problems—addiction.   This finding should not be a surprise.  With fewer...
More Than Replacing the Landline Phone
By Micah Clark   |   09.05.19
image_pdfimage_printYears ago, one might have assumed that new technology would simply replace the home telephone as a primary means of communication between the sexes.  For decades the stereotypical teenager spent hours on the family phone talking to a boyfriend or...
Media Effort Distorts True History of America
By Micah Clark   |   08.30.19
image_pdfimage_printThe New York Times has embarked on an effort to rewrite the history of the United States as a nation built upon slavery.  Calling it the “1619 Project,” the opening article is a whopping 7,600-word effort to look at 18th...
Is Marriage Bad for Your Social Life?
By Micah Clark   |   08.05.19
image_pdfimage_printA recent article in the liberal magazine, The Atlantic, suggests that those who are married are more socially isolated than their single counterparts.  The scholars who wrote this used two national data sets to show that marrieds have a diminished...
The Slow Torture of a Pagan Culture
By Micah Clark   |   08.02.19
image_pdfimage_printMany readers here may know the name Joshua Harris, the former pastor of Covenant Life Church in Maryland, and author of the popular 1997 book, “I Kissed Dating Goodbye,” which has sold over 1.2 million copies. Christians throughout America were ...
The Good News Paradox of Christian Men and Porn
By Micah Clark   |   07.19.19
image_pdfimage_printPornography is a massive problem in America, and likely around the globe as well.  To understand the $97 billion industry in average daily terms, porn sites get more visits each month in America than Netflix, Amazon and Twitter combined. The...
Conflicts Between Religious Freedom and the Gay Agenda Trouble Most Americans
By Micah Clark   |   06.21.19
A few weeks ago, I shared the findings of an extensive national survey from the Barna Group.   The poll was on religious freedom, religious monuments and displays. They have passed along the internals of another large national poll looking at attitudes toward sexual orientation, gender identity and religious freedom.
Vice President Pence’s Religious Persecution Warning is Already Here!
By Micah Clark   |   05.14.19
Hoosiers know that our own Mike Pence is one of the best orators in Washington, DC. It was no surprise to hear the positive reviews the Vice President received from his commencement speech at Liberty University on Saturday.
Oh No, Science Might Actually Point to That?
By Micah Clark   |   12.03.18
image_pdfimage_printThere is an interesting new scientific study with findings that are unsettling for those with a secular worldview. Senior Research Associates, Mark Stoeckle and David Thaler of the University of Basel, Switzerland, told the media that “the conclusion is very...
Legislating Behavior  – Yes, It Is Possible
By Micah Clark   |   09.20.18
image_pdfimage_printThere is an often-repeated falsehood that liberals and some libertarians love to throw out in knee-jerk fashion to dismiss those who support morally ordered liberty.  You may have encountered it on social media.  The retort is “you can’t legislate morality.”...
Study of Pro-life Pregnancy Resource Centers Finds Big Impact Upon Women
By Micah Clark   |   09.13.18
image_pdfimage_printMany years ago, during a committee hearing in the Indiana legislature, a good friend of mine was testifying on an abortion issue. Jackie mentioned the many good things that Crisis Pregnancy Centers did for Hoosier women. After the hearing ended...
You Say You Want a Revolution…
By Micah Clark   |   08.31.18
A new poll from Gallup Polling finds that a significant number of Americans today say that they might join a protest.  A little over a third of Americans, 36%, say they have "ever felt the urge to organize or participate in a public demonstration about something."
Worried About Social Media & Technology?
By Micah Clark   |   06.19.18
If you are concerned about raising children or grandchildren in this high tech age in which screen time is a whole new phenomenon, then you’re not alone.  A poll from Gallup finds that screens are a significant concern of parents.  Here are some of the polling firm’s findings from a poll of 1,271 U.S. parents of children from birth to age 10.
Micah Clark
Executive Director
Micah Clark

In 1989 Micah Clark graduated from Southwest Baptist University in Bolivar, Missouri with a bachelor’s degree in Political Science. Micah interned as a member of the Indiana House of Representatives’ Republican staff and later became an Assistant Campaign Manager for a State Senator.

Micah then served as a legislative assistant for Citizens Concerned for the Constitution. He served as the Indiana Family Institute’s Director of Public Policy, and later as its Executive Director, throughout the 1990’s. Micah is the only person to have served with all three of Indiana’s top statewide pro-family organizations.

In November 2001, Micah became the Executive Director of the American Family Association of Indiana. His experience has helped AFA expand into an organization with a consistent state house presence while maintaining its role as Indiana’s leading decency organization. Since joining AFA of Indiana Micah has conducted nearly 400 media interviews as its executive director.

Governor Frank O’Bannon appointed Micah to serve on his Education Roundtable. Micah was re-appointed for a second term by Governor Joe Kernan. In October 2007, Citizens for Community Values of Indiana named Micah its “Citizen of the Year” for his work for family values in the political arena as both the head of AFA of Indiana and the President of the AFA of Indiana Political Action Committee. In September 2008 Micah was given the Respect Life Award from Right to Life of Indianapolis for his leadership on life issues in Indiana.

Micah’s wife is a marriage and family therapist at a Christian counseling center. They have two children.

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