Articles by
By   |   06.21.09
image_pdfimage_printYou may have seen political ads on television warning of pending budget cuts targeting services like homecare for senior citizens and assistance to the physically or mentally handicapped in Illinois.  There has also been an intensive phone campaign warning Illinois...
After Obama’s Flowery Speech At Notre Dame, Pro-Life Issue Wins the Day–Despite Media Spin
By   |   06.20.09
image_pdfimage_printAfter Barack Obama’s controversial visit to the University of Notre Dame where he gave the commencement speech to the graduating class of 2009, many in the mainstream media believed the President won the day.  Mr. Obama’s flowery words calling for...
After Obama’s Flowery Speech At Notre Dame, Pro-Life Issue Wins the Day
By   |   06.20.09
image_pdfimage_printAfter Barack Obama’s controversial visit to the University of Notre Dame where he gave the commencement speech to the graduating class of 2009, many in the mainstream media believed the President won the day.  Mr. Obama’s flowery words calling for...
Illinois Family Institute In Front Lines Defending Pro-Family Values: The Danger Is Very Real
By   |   05.14.09
image_pdfimage_printFor years, traditional Catholics and Evangelical Christians have been under a withering attack from the mainstream media.  Those who take their faith seriously are usually depicted as everything from intolerant bigots to Bible-quoting serial killers in movies and television.  Indeed,...
Obama’s Notre Dame Invitation Offers Opportunity For Pro-Life Groups
By   |   04.24.09
image_pdfimage_printThe controversy surrounding President Barack Obama’s visit to Notre Dame is growing day by day. The President is scheduled to deliver the commencement speech to the University’s 2009 graduating class on May 17th. This has led to considerable criticism from...
Local and National Newspapers in Deep Financial Troubles: Is Technology or Ideology at Fault?
By   |   04.02.09
image_pdfimage_printIt might sound unbelievable, but the days of sipping a cup of coffee and reading the morning newspaper while sitting at the kitchen table or riding a train to work may soon become a thing of the past.  According to...
Media & Hollywood Attacks On Pro-Family Values, Oh So Effective
By   |   03.11.09
image_pdfimage_printThe other day, my wife and I were sitting on the couch having a conversation about this or that, and the television was on over in the corner, chattering away to no one.  Isn’t that the case in most households? ...
Media Plays Important Role in Sad State of Illinois Politics
By   |   02.25.09
image_pdfimage_printIt was shocking to some, just “business as usual” to others. A governor of Illinois was arrested by federal agents for a litany of charges, including an alleged attempt to sell a U.S. Senate seat. We have gotten to the...
Politicians & Media Pushing To Publicize Return Of American Armed Forces War Dead
By   |   02.11.09
image_pdfimage_printWithout exception, the most trying duty of an American President is to send men and women into harm’s way.  Even more emotionally devastating is when a Commander-in-Chief must take responsibility for those who paid the ultimate price while defending U.S....
A Parting Word on Christmas, the Secretary of State, and the Media
By   |   01.09.09
image_pdfimage_printJust when I thought the insults were over regarding Christmas, Dane Placko of Fox 32 Chicago decided to make a trip to Springfield probably to cover all the turmoil surrounding Governor Rod Blagojevich‘s legal travails.  In a short piece aired...
Do Hate Crime Laws Exclude Christians? It Seems To Be The Case– Or Lack Thereof
By   |   12.08.08
image_pdfimage_printPerhaps you missed it, after all, there was that story about Tiger being in the proverbial woods regarding a late night Thanksgiving crash.  The story about this world famous golfer and his possible extramarital affairs have filled the airwaves to...
Pornography: It Once Affected Thousands, It Now Addicts Millions
By   |   05.14.08
image_pdfimage_printI just turned 54 years of age and my memories of pornography are very vague. The simple fact is when I was in my rambunctious years–which I would say lasted from late adolescence until my late 20’s–pornography was not a...
YouTube: Purveyor of trash and… Truth?
By   |   04.18.08
image_pdfimage_printFor years, when talking about the media, what came to mind was television, radio, and movies. Average Americans had few personal opportunities at media exposure through these venues, and the ‘lucky few’ who received their so-called 15 minutes of fame...
The Media and Environmental Elitism: Can The Rest Of Us Afford It?
By   |   03.07.08
image_pdfimage_printYou may or may not have seen the television ad. It goes something like this. A middle-aged father is driving his daughter to school. I’d say the girl is about ten years old or so. Without warning, the stylish little...
Even fewer Americans trust media than just five years ago
By   |   02.06.08
image_pdfimage_printI have been studying media bias for 15 years and one of the favorite statistics I used to quote was that 70 percent of Americans did not trust the dominant media. When I would quote this figure, it had quite...
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The Push to Limit “Choice” to Abortion in Illinois
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