Standing Grounded in the Worst of Times
Standing Grounded in the Worst of Times
Written By Lynn Bowman Tabb   |   04.18.22
Reading Time: 3 minutes

Among parents raising children in today’s culture, it is hard to believe that words penned by Charles Dickens in 1859 could ring so true:

“It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of light, it was the season of darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair.”

Unfortunately, with the worst times come foolishness, incredulity, darkness, and despair in our news, neighborhoods, and schools; parents more than ever need the best times  wisdom, belief, light, and hope!

Illinois Christian Home Educators (ICHE) Family Conference, May 19 – 22 at Olivet Nazarene University in Bourbonnais, Illinois, is such a beacon of light and hope for today’s families!

This year’s theme, Stand Grounded in Christ, promises to provide the focus Christian parents and grandparents need to challenge their thinking and equip them with Biblical truths to direct the children and young people entrusted to their care “in the way they should go.” Centered on Eph 6:14, at the heart of this theme is the fact that,

“We can stand grounded because our faith is not rooted in the sinking sands of man’s vain philosophies but is built on the solid foundation of God’s character and word that never changes.”

And the conference is so much more than a place to pick up a few tips and supplies for homeschooling. It is

“a God-ordained time to pull away from the everyday cares of  homeschooling life and be energized with visionary teaching, refreshing fellowship, Biblically-based resources, and Christian joy.

It is a time for your children to meet other like-minded homeschoolers, so they can understand there is a growing army that God is preparing.”


At the heart of the conference are the keynote and workshop speakers–men and women from all walks of life who have a specific voice relevant to the needs of today’s homeschooling and Christian families. Sessions on the agenda include:

It is easy to see there is something for everyone whether new to the concept of homeschooling or a seasoned homeschool family.

Exhibit Hall:

In addition to the plethora of workshops to attend, one of the attractive features is the Exhibit Hall. Filled with everything from curriculum and educational games to homeschooling t-shirts and bumper stickers, upon entering the hall, one is likely to feel they just stepped into an Amazon warehouse! It’s a great chance to get your hands on materials, flip through pages, explore what is and isn’t included so whether you purchase then and there or order it in the future, you will know exactly what you are getting.


Whether meeting up with friends or making new ones, this is the place to find the type of like-minded support many homeschoolers are seeking. What’s more, with the opportunity to affordably stay right on campus, newly formed or established bonds can be enhanced by attending the evening events.


Included with the reasonable registration costs are:

  • Planetarium shows
  • Swimming
  • Rock climbing
  • Up to 4 non-homeschooling grandparents OR up to 3 non-homeschooling pastors and their spouses may attend with primary registrant – FREE!

Tips from previous attendees:

  • Be prepared to walk between campus buildings
  • Dress for the weather
  • Facility provides easy access for strollers
  • Event is definitely kid-friendly – Check out these activities!
  • Musical performances in lobby

The best recommendation for any event are the satisfied words of those who have attended in the past:

If you’ve only been to the ICHE conference once and came away feeling overwhelmed, know that a repeat attendance at the conference is a much different experience. Contributing to this is the fact that not everything is shoved into one building providing the incentive to walk outside between classes. Because of this, there is a more campus-like feel and this literal outdoor space provides for head space, too! The speakers I listened to left me not feeling overwhelmed or pressured, but inspired.”  ~Sara Williamson (homeschooling mother of 3)

“The ICHE conference ministers to me as a wife and mother. Not only does it reinforce the goals my husband and I have for our family, it casts a vision for the days ahead. It leaves me feeling energized and encouraged and renews the reasons that we do homeschool. Most importantly, at the end of a homeschooling year, it allows me to look ahead to the next school year feeling prepared! I will definitely be returning and bringing my friends!”  ~Allison Earl (homeschooling mother of 4)

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