Why Expose Teacher Emails?
Why Expose Teacher Emails?
Written By Laurie Higgins   |   03.17.14
Reading Time: 2 minutes

This weekend I published and responded to yet another email from homosexual public high school teacher Rich Robinson who has admitted to me multiple times that he believes public schools should be used to promote Leftist assumptions about homosexuality to other people’s minor children and to censor resources that espouse assumptions that he doesn’t like. 

My goal in publishing Robinson’s emails is not to defend myself or attack him. I have two goals, the first of which is to expose conservatives to the arrogance and beliefs of liberal teachers in our public schools. My other goal is to help readers understand the specious nature of the arguments (including the absence of supporting evidence for claims) that these teachers use to defend their curricular decisions. I’ve found that readers are more persuaded when they hear the actual words of teachers than when they hear only my description or paraphrase of their words.

Robinson’s words are worthy of exposure not because they insult me (which is utterly irrelevant). His words are worthy of exposure because they reveal what he and many other liberal teachers think (and say privately) about any parent, colleague, administrator, or school board member who holds views like mine, which is to say, conservative moral beliefs. And his beliefs are worthy of exposure because they inform his teaching.

Robinson and countless teachers like him conceal their views from the public that pays their salaries. Teachers like him need to be publicly exposed—by name whenever possible. They are government employees whose teaching philosophy regarding homosexuality and other controversial moral issues should be made public. Then communities can decide if these teachers’ views are consonant with district values and if their willingness to censor views they don’t like embodies district pedagogical commitments. And parents can decide if they want their children in the classrooms of censorious censors. 

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Laurie Higgins
Laurie Higgins was the Illinois Family Institute’s Cultural Affairs Writer in the fall of 2008 through early 2023. Prior to working for the IFI, Laurie worked full-time for eight years...
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