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Jericho Prayer March in Springfield
July 1, 2021 @ 11:30 AM - 12:30 PM

CRY OUT FOR CHILDREN: Join us on Thursday, July 1st for a Pro-Family Rally and Jericho Prayer March at the Illinois governor’s mansion in Springfield.

Illinois Family Institute is calling for pro-family Illinoisans to rally at 410 E. Jackson St. from 11:30 AM until 12:30 PM to pray and recite scripture, to sing hope into darkness, and to call on the Lord’s blessing as we answer His call to “rescue the weak and the needy, and deliver them from the hand of the wicked.”

Click HERE for a flyer

At the end of May, a majority of Illinois lawmakers in both chambers of the General Assembly voted in favor of expanding radical “comprehensive” sex education from Kindergarten through 12th grade in public schools.

This terrible bill (SB 818) was sent to the Governor on Friday, June 25th.

If Governor Pritzker signs this bill into law, all public schools in Illinois that want to offer any health or safety education–or even abstinence education–will have no choice regarding the content of their teaching. It does not matter how conservative the community is. It does not matter if local school board members want curricula with standards consistent with Judeo-Christian sexuality ethics. Any school that chooses to teach health or safety classes must use a curriculum that aligns with the National Sexuality Standards from SIECUS.

Illinois Christians cannot remain silent. Their money will be subsidizing these materials and the salaries of those who teach them.

As if that is not bad enough, our state lawmakers passed the “Tampons for Boys” bill that will require all boys’ restrooms in our government schools to provide female hygiene products at no cost to students, thereby reinforcing science-denying leftist lies about “gender.”

Imagine Springfield reverberating with the voices of parents, grandparents, and taxpayers pleading for the protection and welfare of children in our schools! Imagine a call for justice so loud and joyful that the deaf and the dumb among journalists, politicos, and slumbering neighbors will have to take notice.

Take ACTION:  Join us on Thursday, July 1st as we rally, sing, pray, and speak out for the least among us. Starting at 11:30 AM, we will rally with love for our children, our neighbors, and their children in front of the governor’s mansion! (See map HERE.) Bring your families, your youth groups, your small groups, your tea parties, and your pro-life brethren as we shake the foundations of death and indifference in our state’s capital. Signs will be provided.

For more information, click HERE or call (708) 781-9328.


July 1, 2021
11:30 AM - 12:30 PM


Illinois Governor’s Mansion
410 E. Jackson St.
Springfield, IL United States
+ Google Map
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