The famous quote often misattributed to Albert Einstein defines insanity as “Doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.” Living as Christians in the rebellious state of Illinois often feels like we are surrounded by insanity.
The November elections revealed that this state has not been brought to repentance. Our state loves abortion, sexual perversion, corruption, and educational malfeasance. Our legislature believes the perverse agenda it has advanced still does not go far enough. All of this is obvious to anyone who is spiritually awake.
The duty that God sovereignly gives to us does not change with circumstances. While we might feel there is no point for prayer and righteous action, that would be a sinful response.
The Apostle Paul in 1 Timothy 2 gives very clear direction in terms of how we must pray for those in authority.
Therefore I exhort first of all that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks be made for all men, for kings and all who are in authority, that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and reverence. For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Savior, who desires all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth.
Verse 1 speaks of supplications, prayers, and intercessions. A supplication is an urgent request to meet a need. The word translated as prayer is a common word for how we speak to our great God. The word intercession is not a common word. It is a formal request made to a high official, in this case the triune God who rules over all.
As Bible scholar William Mounce discusses in his commentary Pastoral Epistles, the focus of this passage is how we are to intercede for all types of people. We are to desire the spread of the gospel and the salvation of all men. This includes our elected officials, some who think of themselves as aristocracy and even kings.
The 103rd Illinois General Assembly started at noon on Wednesday, January 11, 2023. It is our Christian duty to pray for our elected officials even as we know so many of them are set against God’s truth.
How should we bring our supplications, prayers, and intercessions? Here are some suggested points for prayer.
- Let us pray for the salvation of those who are still lost in sin and bondage and under God’s judgment.
- Let us pray also for the legislators that are true Christians and followers of the Lord Jesus Christ. May God give them courage to speak what is right and true in the face of opposition.
- Let us pray that legislation that goes against God’s clear revelation will be frustrated and not passed into law.
- Let us pray that many more citizens of our state will be brought to saving faith and repentance.
- Let us pray that churches in our state will faithfully preach God’s Law and Gospel and not succumb to the pressures of this world.
- Let us pray for those who work in Springfield who seek to bring God’s truth and shine as a light for Jesus Christ.
Let us pray and not give up in our praying (1 Thess. 5:17).