Aggression in the Campaign to Destroy Marriage
Aggression in the Campaign to Destroy Marriage
Written By Laurie Higgins   |   11.09.09
Reading Time: 5 minutes

Those of us who have occasion to visit the blogs of homosexual activists are fully aware of the poisonous vitriol posted in the comments section against anyone who dares to challenge their increasingly aggressive dogma regarding the nature and morality of homosexuality.

It is commonplace to read epithetic language, profane language, obscene language, and threats of violence. Their targets include but are not limited to Tony PerkinsJames DobsonMaggie GallagherRobert GeorgeRobert GagnonSandy RiosPeter LaBarberaMatt BarberLinda Harvey, and me. We also receive obscene and threatening emails and voicemails.

Many of those who comment on homosexual blogs will ridicule, bully, and threaten virtually anyone who dares to suggest that homosexuality is not ontologically equivalent to race; that disapproval of volitional homosexual acts is not equivalent to racism; or that society ought not legalize same sex unions. Make these claims publicly and be prepared to be verbally eviscerated–all in the name of tolerance, of course.

On Monday, following the Maine referendum that preserved marriage in Maine against yet another assault,Liberty Counsel issued the following press release which exposes the nefarious underbelly of the homosexual activist movement–the side that the media apparently deems non-newsworthy:

Gay” Activists Mull “Organized Terrorism” Against Christians

Pro-Family Leaders Targets of Death Threats

Lynchburg, VA – In the wake of the horrific act of Islamic domestic terrorism at Fort Hood Texas, it has been learned that militant homosexual activists recently made similar online postings to those of Nidal Malik Hasan, threatening additional acts of terrorism against Christians.

In response to Maine’s natural marriage victory last Tuesday, “gay” activists have directly threatened to retaliate with “terrorism” and the “killing” of Christians on the popular homosexual activist “JoeMyGod” Weblog. Liberty Counsel notified the FBI which is investigating the matter. As of this morning, the offending blog entry had been removed. (captured version of post will be available

Matt Barber, Liberty Counsel’s Director of Cultural Affairs, issued a statement shortly after Maine’s marriage victory (posted with additional commentary at In reaction to that statement, blog poster “ColdCountry” wrote: “Will someone please give me a gun?” Poster “Fritz” warned: “What I fear is that once gay and lesbian people give up hope of achieving equality through nonviolent means, there will be radicals who will begin to hunt down haters… All it will take is a small group of radical zealots who are willing to kill for their cause.”

In reply to Fritz, “tex” posted: “Fritz….you say this like it’s a bad thing? Maybe a bit of well organized terrorism is just what we need.”

“This happens in all cases where people are oppressed and lack representation,” continued Fritz. “We will have gay and lesbian people strapping bombs to their chests and blowing up churches. All it will take is one or two more losses like this. If marriage equality is taken away in one of the landmark states, we will see domestic terrorism arise very quickly. … In 1991, I witnessed gay and lesbian activists setting fire to buildings and beating people with baseball bats in Los Angeles.”

“tex” reiterated: “Still not seeing this as a bad thing Fritz … [African gay activists] didn’t gain their civil rights through being passive.”

In addition to Barber, pro-family leaders Peter LaBarbera of Americans for Truth and Maggie Gallagher of the National Organization for Marriage were specifically named targets.

Meanwhile, Michael Heath, former director of the Christian Civic League of Maine, was targeted by a direct death threat shortly after the passage of Question 1 last week. An anonymous caller telephoned the League, warning: “I am calling about Mr. Mike Heath, the Executive of your Christian Civic League of Maine. He thinks that gay people should have our rights revoked that we already have. Well I can tell him this – I’m a gay guy who owns guns, and he’s my next target.” Law enforcement was immediately notified.

Matt Barber commented: “All potential threats of terrorism and murder are very serious business. As we learned just last week, there are ideologically driven terrorists who walk among us. After passage of Proposition 8 in California we saw that many homosexual activists are capable of threats, vandalism and even violence. Those who either threaten or attempt to incite terrorism must be immediately brought to justice. Churches and Christian leaders around the country need to be on high alert. These threats of homosexual activist terrorism must be taken very seriously.”

Subsequently, WGME in Maine reported that “Marc Mutty from Stand for Marriage Maine says a threatening voicemail message was discovered Monday morning at campaign headquarters in which a female caller said, ‘You will be dead. Maybe not today, not tomorrow. But soon you’ll dead [sic].'”

On Oct. 14 and 15, 2009 on the same blog mentioned in Liberty Counsel’s press release, JoeMyGod, stunningly vulgar comments were left following anarticle about Illinois Family InstituteClick HERE to read what was said. **Caution**: Vulgar and perverse language is used.

It’s not just the homosexual blogs, however, where you can find vitriol and threats of domestic terrorism.

Here’s a quote from a Dec. 2008 Newsweek blog:

“I suggest we throw a pride parade at the whitehouse and everyone bring thier guns. We form a militia and get our gay rights by raiding the whitehouse and possibly burning it down or something. I mean damn we’ve been peaceful protesting for 40 years and forming a militia is in the bill of rights. As long as we keep being bit**es about this we’ll continue to be seen as bit**es. We’ve got to shoot out a few Govenors knee caps, kill a few cops, burn down a few churches. We could get it done this year.”

Posted by: Josh Sebring | December 11, 2008 at 08:59 AM

This is just one of the many unsanctified voices of angry homosexuals who aggressively promote false, morally disordered, and destructive beliefs and who engage in volitional acts that devastate individual lives and destroy families.

In an interview with the online journal Public Discourse, Princeton University Law Professor and staunch marriage defender Robert George had this to say about the campaign to destroy marriage. We must heed his advice:

Robert George: Another and far more insidious and brutal way in which many advocates of sexual liberalism deploy cultural power in the cause of redefining marriage is by depicting their opponents as bigots. Across the country, they have pursued a strategy of intimidation against anyone who dares to dissent from their position in a public way. Their appalling treatment of Carrie Prejean is merely one example. Their relentless personal attacks on her were designed to send a clear message to others who aspire to succeed in any area of public life, from beauty pageants to careers in journalism and politics: “If you oppose us, if you have the temerity to express support for the conjugal conception of marriage, we will smear you as a rube and a bigot, make your life hell, and do our best to ruin you.”

After losing the Proposition 8 battle in California, the campaign of intimidation went into full swing. Anyone who contributed money to the Prop 8 effort or played any identifiable role in supporting it was targeted for intimidation. They were depicted as agents of intolerance and enemies of equality. Pressure was put on their employers to fire or discipline them. (I speak from personal experience here: the president of Princeton University, where I am a member of the faculty, was deluged with letters demanding action against me.) Boycotts were launched against their businesses. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (LDS) and its members, who were, as always, generous and active supporters of conjugal marriage, were made a particular target because they were perceived as an especially vulnerable religious minority. The LDS faithful were harassed, their church services were disrupted, and a grotesquely libelous and bigoted video ad depicting Mormon missionaries as home invaders was run against them.

PD: Will the campaign of intimidation work?

Robert George: Campaigns of intimidation succeed only if the victims of such campaigns permit themselves to be intimidated. They fizzle when people refuse to alter their behavior out of fear. As anyone who has ever confronted a school-yard bully knows, bullies are cowards. When their victims stand up to them, they fold like accordions. My advice to supporters of marriage who are targets of intimidation is this: make clear to the bullies that if they seek to intimidate you, your response will be to ratchet up your support of marriage by, for example, increasing your financial contributions to the pro-marriage cause, devoting more time to making phone calls to family members, friends, and members of your religious community, and doing other grassroots work on behalf of marriage. That is what I have personally done. Just as the campaign of intimidation will fail if we refuse to be intimidated, it will backfire if we decide to make it backfire by redoubling our pro-marriage efforts in the face of it.

In the words of a prominent politician who says that though he supports civil unions he opposes same-sex “marriage”: Yes, we can!

Laurie Higgins
Laurie Higgins was the Illinois Family Institute’s Cultural Affairs Writer in the fall of 2008 through early 2023. Prior to working for the IFI, Laurie worked full-time for eight years...
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