What Has the Church to Offer Those Who Experience Same-Sex Attraction?
What Has the Church to Offer Those Who Experience Same-Sex Attraction?
Written By Laurie Higgins   |   04.12.11
Reading Time: 3 minutes

I write often about homosexuality because I’m certain that there are no more serious threats to fundamental speech rights and religious liberty than the efforts to use public education, law, mainstream news media, and the arts to normalize homosexuality and gender confusion.

In addition, individuals and families are being incalculably harmed by the corrosive lies that pervade our culture. Parents’ rights to oversee their children’s moral education are being undermined and even stripped by the homosexualist agenda. And the temporal and eternal lives of individuals who experience same sex attraction are being destroyed.

My professional goals center on exposing the specious arguments and rhetoric, the goals, and the consequences of the unchecked movement to normalize homosexuality in the hope that clarity will result in greater cultural participation by conservatives. I hope to generate a sense of urgency and obligation that will lead conservatives to overcome their fears in order to protect both individuals and society.

When I think about the evil done to children by teachers who tell them that homosexuality is deserving of respect and affirmation, I become angry, and I desperately want others to experience the righteous anger that should well up in decent people who see young children taught that evil is good. We do not embody the love of Christ when we remain silent while body and soul-destroying lies are being affirmed to and in children, teens, and adults.

But, I also want us to remember those who experience a disordered sexual attraction to their same sex. They do not choose their feelings, and they often suffer in shame and silence, as most of us do when we experience disordered, sinful impulses. With most or many other sins, our culture affirms the truth that is written on our hearts. Our mothers, fathers, teachers, artists, and religious and political leaders in their diverse cultural roles affirm moral truths. But something very different happens with those who experience sexual sin, particularly homosexual sin.

Our depraved, carrion-devouring culture swoops down and offers them the bleakly deterministic lie that they were born homosexual. They are told that acting on homosexual impulses is a moral good. They are told that refusal to act on such impulses is an act of futility that will result in utterly unfulfilled, lonely lives. And they are told that anyone who dissents from those claims hates them.

And those claims are touted as the “loving” response.

Well, there are other claims–claims that offer hope for a life defined by real love and real peace. It’s a peace that passes all understanding and derives from knowing that sacrificing our desires to God’s will pleases a good and holy God.

God offered up his perfect son for our sins. Jesus died a horrific death on the Cross to pay the penalty for the sins of all who trust in Him. Those who experience homosexual attraction are no different from those who experience all manner of sinful impulses. God may not remove every last vestige of sinful impulses, but he will give believers the power to refuse to act on them. A personal relationship with God does not free us from all sinful impulses, but it does free us from bondage to sin. Full and absolute freedom from the experience of sinful impulses will not come until the end of history. The persistence and seeming intractability of same-sex impulses do not mean that the impulses are gifts from God. It means that sin grips the heart of fallen man.

Our friends and loved ones should be told that joy and peace come from choosing to live a life that pleases the creator of the universe. That’s an amazing idea. We humans have the capacity to please the omniscient, omnipotent, eternal creator of all creation. The failure to apprehend the meaning of that astounding idea reflects a tragic failure of imagination.

And our dear friends and loved ones who may never experience heterosexual attraction deserve to be told that a celibate life lived in submission to God is not a lonely, unfulfilled life. They too can have rich, intimate, deeply loving relationships within and without the body of Christ. They can have deep, loving, chaste same-sex friendships that can help restore the brokenness in their pasts. They can serve as surrogate aunts, uncles, grandmas, and grandpas for children who too are experiencing brokenness and loss. They deserve to be told that they are loved — not because of their sin –but, like the rest of us, despite it.

Our fallen, depraved world swims along the surface of a world so deep and wondrous, it’s beyond even imagining. And this fallen, depraved world that has no eyes to see and no ears to hear beyond the subjective, sensory, material life, chatters cacophonously, filling the hearts and minds of people with beguiling lies that lead to eternal separation from a good and holy God. If we truly love our friends and family members lost in sexual darkness, we must tell them the truth, no matter what the personal cost to us, always remembering that our salvation came at the greatest cost of all.

Please read this powerful essay on the issue of heresy versus real love in the church. It’s written from a Catholic perspective, but it’s equally applicable to Protestants: http://www.catholicculture.org/commentary/articles.cfm?id=491

Laurie Higgins
Laurie Higgins was the Illinois Family Institute’s Cultural Affairs Writer in the fall of 2008 through early 2023. Prior to working for the IFI, Laurie worked full-time for eight years...
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