Become an IFI Sustaining Partner
Become an IFI Sustaining Partner
Reading Time: 4 minutes

With the summer behind us, we are gearing up for a busy fall with three more Pastors’ Breakfasts,  it would be nice to think we can take some time to catch our breath.  But that is impossible, seeing that the Spring Session of the Illinois General Assembly is in full swing now.

So I’m asking for your help now, to continue to protect your values by becoming a $10, $15 or $20 per month Sustaining Partner.  (Click HERE for the mail-in Sustaining Partner form.)

We are currently doing all we can to convince lawmakers in the Illinois House to oppose HB 3027, a radical sex education bill which would promote condom training with our tax dollars.  The ACLU of Illinois and their friends at Planned Parenthood continue to work at gaining support for their radical sex education bill, HB 3027.  This bill has already passed in the Illinois Senate, and must be stopped in the Illinois House.


On the Federal level, we not only have a president who is waging a war against the faith community with a mandate requiring all employer health plans to include free contraceptives, sterilizations and abortion-inducing drugs, regardless of any moral or religious objections, but who is proudly campaigning on a position of repealing the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA), calling it discriminatory against gay and lesbian couples.  President Barack Obama also campaigned on a pledge to support adoption by same-sex couples.  The door to the destruction of natural marriage and religious freedom is wide open and the path to undermining the traditional family is clear.

The good news is that you have an interest group in the battle for you!  Trusting in God to go before us, the Illinois Family Institute is on the front lines protecting and defending traditional families, the institution of marriage, life and religious liberty against the onslaught of those who would seek to quash them.  All of our efforts to educate the public and legislators and to mobilize pro-family forces require resources. And that’s why we need your help.

I fully understand that families across Illinois and around the country are struggling to make ends meet. The current economic crisis has left no corner untouched, and yet, particularly during this difficult time, it is imperative that we not allow the traditional family to be weakened any further.

In order to sustain our crucial work, IFI must grow its base of regular monthly supporters and establish a more consistent budget intake.  As you can imagine, the ebbs and flows of donations for non-profit organizations like ours leave us with uncertain expectations of support.  Frankly, a predictable and dependable stream of monthly support is a crucial component of running a non-profit ministry like IFI.

Moreover, increasing our monthly support will help us operate even more efficiently and effectively, especially when it comes to planning our annual budget.

That is why you are receiving this appeal — in hopes that you will become a $10, $15 or $20 per month Sustaining Partner.  (Click HERE for the mail-inSustaining Partner form.)

Would you please consider becoming a regular monthly giver to help me and IFI reach its goal of consistent monthly support?  Any size monthly commitment would greatly help us continue to expose and battle the liberal ungodly ideology that is sweeping our state. 

Former U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt once wrote: “People acting together as a group can accomplish things which no individual acting alone could ever hope to bring about.”  I wish to demonstrate that truth here.

Would you please seriously consider joining me, my mother, friends, other family members and pro-family citizens by making a monthly commitment of $10, $15 or $20 to IFI and the Illinois pro-family cause?    (Click HERE for the mail-in Sustaining Partner form.)

IFI currently has a minimum monthly budget need of approximately $25,000.  That includes utilities, staff salaries, several contracted employees including two lobbyists, robo calls, publication costs, postage, insurance, legal, and other miscellaneous office needs.  Our budget dictates how proactive we can be and what projects we can take on.

I sincerely hope and pray that you will take that extra step and pledge faithful, monthly support.  My goal is to continue growing IFI’s influence in the state.  That will not be possible without increasing and stabilizing our bottom line.  Simply put, without these sustaining funds, our effectiveness on behalf of you and your family will be severely limited.

IFI is committed to being a strong and effective voice for Judeo-Christian values and biblical principles.  That will not change.  Help us become a stronger and more influential voice for Christian values in the public square of Illinois by becoming a Sustaining Partner.  Your tax-deductible gifts to IFI are vitally important in the fight to preserve the family and righteousness in the culture.

If you are not able to support our work and ministry as a Sustaining Partner, would you please consider making a one time contribution to our cause?  Click HERE to make a secure donation today!

I promise to be a good steward of both your donations and your trust.  Thank you in advance for considering my appeal.  I am,

For the family,

David E. Smith
Executive Director

P.S.  Please pray about my request.  IFI has a 20-year history of fighting for pro-family values, and it is important that we keep on fighting.  Together we can make a difference!

P.P.S.  I hope you will be able to join me and the IFI staff on Friday, September 7th to celebrate our 20th Anniversary and Fall Banquet featuring historian and founder of Wall Builders – David Barton!  (Click HERE for more information.)

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