Jericho Prayer March in Springfield
Jericho Prayer March in Springfield
Reading Time: 2 minutes

“And I sought for a man among them who should build up the wall
and stand in the breach before me for the land…” ~Ezekiel 22:30

Written by Pastor John Kirkwood

CRY OUT FOR LIFE: Join us on Saturday, October 24th for a Pro-Life Rally and Jericho March at the Illinois Governor’s mansion in Springfield.

Illinois Family Institute in cooperation with the Christian Emergency League is calling for Pro-Life Illinoisans to rally at 410 E. Jackson St. from 11 AM until Noon to pray and recite scripture, to sing hope into the darkness, and to call on the Lord’s blessing as we answer His call to “rescue the weak and the needy, and deliver them from the hand of the wicked.”

Click HERE for a flyer.

Since the Planned Parenthood scandal erupted, nearly a dozen governors have initiated an investigation into Planned Parenthood, while at least 5 states have already cut off funding.  Yet Illinois remains silent.

In Minnesota, the governor and legislature refused to address the situation, so Minnesota pro-life groups turned out over 1,500 people to surround the Executive Mansion and to call for justice. Why not Illinois?

In Illinois, Governor Bruce Rauner has been strangely silent on this issue while not one journalist will even dare to utter “Planned Parenthood” in his presence.  Those who value the sanctity of human life cannot afford to wait for politicians and journalists to do the right thing.  We the People must lead!

In 2011, when homeschooling was threatened in Illinois, thousands called and turned out in protest.  How much more for Life?

When traditional marriage was wavering on the docket in 2013, nearly 6,000 turned out to stand in the gap.  Are the lives of the unborn any less important?

Yearly, when gun rights hang in the balance, second Amendment enthusiasts turn out 8,000+ strong to shout, “Shall not be infringed.”  Is the sacred right to life to any degree less than that right which we esteem to protect?

Imagine Springfield reverberating with the vicarious voice of the unborn!

Take ACTION:  Join us on Saturday, October 24th as we rally, sing, pray, and speak out for the least among us. Starting at 11 AM, we will rally with love for our unborn neighbor in front of the governor’s mansion! (See map HERE.)  Bring your families, your youth groups, your small groups, your tea-parties, and your pro-life brethren as we shake the foundations of death and indifference in our state’s capital.

For more information, click HERE or call (708) 781-9328.  Check back for buses leaving in your neighborhood or contact us to let us know if you can sponsor a bus.

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