Loving Children, God’s Little Ones
Loving Children, God’s Little Ones
Written By Rev. Thorin Anderson   |   01.25.23
Reading Time: 6 minutes

I have always loved children. I was not much beyond childhood myself when I decided there was nothing more endearing than a baby. Their innocence and utter vulnerability make it impossible for anyone with a heart not to be drawn to them, to love them, and want to protect them. I am confident in declaring that there is not a greater human evil than that of destroying the life of a child! Jesus Christ agreed when He said that it would be better that a person have a millstone hung around their neck and they be cast into the sea than to cause offense (injury) to a child!

That there is today a significant and powerful coalition of Americans demanding the right to take the life of unborn (and some post-born) children, is nauseatingly offensive to any compassionate person!  It defies logic and must be understood for what it is.  It is not about “choice.”  It is about hating God and His authority, thus hating what He loves, and loving what He hates.

Abortion advocates attempt to make the discussion about “freedom of choice,” or “equality” for women.  But these are distractions and lies.  Reasonable people favor freedom and equality for all, but if these issues were really the heart of the debate, the Left would use other messaging.  A genuine discussion about freedom of choice would certainly include without prejudice or scorn the choice to have children, even many children, and adoption.  But those who call themselves pro-choice disallow all choices but that of killing the baby.  And a real discussion regarding equality would have to include a study of what true equality looks like.  To treat everyone, male and female, young and old, identically is not equality! For some it would be torture!

So, as the Nation wrestles over abortion in the aftermath of Roe vs Wade being overturned, what is really being debated?  Is it about whether its right to demand that a woman, who is inadvertently pregnant, must carry that baby to term, or whether a woman, in order to be “equal” with a man, must be able to abort her child at any time for any reason?  Or is there something much deeper than these things?

The frightening reality is that the conflict is much larger than these issues. We are arguing over whether we are a nation that loves righteousness and goodness, or lawlessness and evil, God or no God. According to the Bible it is the fool, not the scientist who “says in his heart, ‘there is no God!’” No genuine scientist would make such a claim, for at best, he cannot prove it either way, and at worst he would be arguing against a fundamental of science, which requires a cause for every effect. God is the cause of and the “connector” that created and holds the universe together. There is no other reasonable explanation for our universe.

Thus, the issue is not really over abortion and equality, but whether God and order rule, or godlessness and chaos. This dichotomy becomes more evident when you compare the statements and positions of both sides: Right and Left are not precise labels, but for lack of simpler, more precise, designations, we will use them.

  1. Those on the Right support life from conception to natural death. We wholeheartedly agree with God that children are a blessing from God, (Ps. 127:3-5) and are in no way a burden to be avoided.  The Left sees children as a burden or even a curse to be rejected and advocates for death for the unborn, unwanted post-born, sick or depressed (euthanasia).  Consider the multitude of excuses Leftists create to reject childbearing: overpopulation, the environment, “choice,” or “they are an overwhelming burden.” Underlying the Left’s willingness to abort babies is the atheistic philosophy that we are mere animals and thus have no inherent value or right to life.  Not surprising as God states in Proverbs 8:36 that, “All those who hate Me love death.”
  1. The Right Advocates for what is best for children: life itself, intact traditional families, high quality education emphasizing righteousness and appropriate life skills, such as the 3-Rs, character and integrity.  The Left advocates for adults’ pleasures trumping children’s health and well-being.  It is impossible to justify libraries hosting “drag queen story hours” for children other than to groom those children to be used by adults. Giving little children explicit sexual information only serves perverted adults.
  1. The Right demands truth while the Left has claimed for decades that there is no such thing as truth. The Left exposes the fact that they know truth exists each time they accuse conservatives of lying and demand we believe their words. A lie, by definition, is a contradiction to truth, thus lies can only exist if there is truth to misrepresent!
  1. The Right advocates for keeping sexuality attached to traditional marriage and childbearing, as sex promoted for its own sake cheapens it and, like a drug, it becomes destructive. The Left, by promoting sex as an end in itself, has created a scenario where children are considered a burden and a nuisance. Not surprising that millions of children today suffer from numerous mental health disorders, including a sense of having little or no value! Duh! Didn’t see that coming!
  1. The Right calls for a willing self-sacrifice of one’s own desires and pleasure for the good of others, especially children and those who are unable to advocate and provide for themselves. The Left demands that their choices and pleasure preempt others’, especially children. (Ironically it is the Leftists, in promoting socialism, who assume, contrary to their own demands, that self-sacrifice is normal to humanity, yet hypocritically refuse to practice it when it comes to their own sexuality!)
  1. The Right desires humane treatment for animals but understands that animals do not have rights as people do. Animal rights advocates are generally on the Left, with many demanding an end to the human use of animals altogether. Yet, it is the Left that has no compunction about killing babies and even celebrates the right to do so!
  1. The Right understands that trials and difficulties are allowed by God to mature us, to build greater character, and drive us closer to Him, with rest from such troubles coming in eternity . The Left sees troubles as something to be avoided in their quest for the “good life” here and now.  Children are thus seen as obstacles to happiness, not part of it.
  1. The Right uses truth and argument to promote its principles. (The few among us who have chosen the Left’s violent methods have been strongly rebuked by leaders of the Right).  However, the Left has no qualms with using violence and the perversion of governmental authority to harass and intimidate those with whom they disagree.  Jesus told His disciples to be “wise as serpents and harmless as doves,” (Matthew 10:16).

This year as we mourn the loss of over sixty million unborn children in the fifty years since Roe-V-Wade was decided, let us remember that the battle for life is merely one skirmish on a multi-front war. The real war is between the forces of righteousness and the forces of evil. The righteousness we represent is not our own.  We choose to stand with God and the Bible to proclaim His word, His righteousness, and His goodness. The pro-life movement has won a small battle, for the moment, by mere political will; but it is a tenuous and short-lived victory if there is no national revival. America’s sex and death cultists, which is the Left, have not laid down their arms. They stand with the “kings of the earth” who have set themselves “against the LORD and against His Anointed, saying, ’Let us break Their bonds in pieces and cast away Their cords from us.’”  They do not know that this war has raged for thousands of years but the outcome has already been determined. It is only a matter of time before “the Lord shall hold them in derision.  He shall speak to them in His wrath, and distress them in His deep displeasure.” One day He will “break them with a rod of iron (and) dash them to pieces like a potter’s vessel.” (Excerpts from Psalm 2).

As long as Americans continue to elect leaders who are at war with God and truth, this battle to save the unborn and other vulnerable people from the malice of the Left will not end. As long as our political, cultural and educational classes, as well as multitudes of so-called “Christian” leaders, elevate the sexual pleasures of adults over the lives of children, this battle will rage on. So long as the Left views us all as mere animals, not image bearers of God, the battle will continue. If or when, however, Americans repent and submit to the righteousness of God it may possibly then be safe to be a child in America again!

That must be our desire and prayer!  God is a gracious God!


Rev. Thorin Anderson
Rev. Thorin Anderson is a member of the Advisory Council to Illinois Family Institute and the former pastor of Parkwood Baptist Church on the south side of Chicago. Pastor Anderson has faithfully pastored at Parkwood Baptist Church since September, 2000 until 2022. He received his Master of Divinity degree from Central Seminary. He and his wife Toni have seven children and 19 grandchildren. Pastor Anderson also serves on the board of directors for Men for Christ, an association that organizes annual weekend men’s rallies in Minnesota, Wisconsin, Iowa, and Illinois on a rotating basis. For more information on these...
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