The Exterminators’ Enemy Number One
The Exterminators’ Enemy Number One
Written By Lynn Bowman Tabb   |   08.20.22
Reading Time: 4 minutes

What would it be like to be considered “Public Enemy Number One”? The term, first used in connection with Chicago’s notorious Al Capone, is a label most of us would prefer to avoid. However, when the organization slapping on this damaging label is Planned Parenthood, the label becomes a badge of honor. Such is the case for Judie Brown! According to her son, Hugh Brown of American Life League, in the early 2000s Planned Parenthood published a list of enemies to abortion rights and Mrs. Judie Brown topped the list.

Born in the mid 1940s, Judie has spent a major portion of her adult life fighting not just for the lives of the unborn, but for respect and dignity for all of human life from conception to the grave. Fighting tirelessly alongside her for many years was her husband, Paul, and in more recent years her daughter Catherine (Daub) and her son Hugh–whose passion in the fight for ending abortion (one can only assume) was ignited in him by his mother’s example. He had this to say about her:

“My mother is my hero. She is fearless, courageous, loved by her supporters, and works tirelessly to fight what she considers the apathy within the Catholic church from the laity to the leadership. Contrary to popular belief within the church leadership, abortion is not a political issue but rather a faith issue. My mother’s passion for life stems from the Catholic values she was raised with and has embraced her whole life.”

One of Judie’s greatest contributions to life was the founding of the American Life League (ALL)  in 1979 after leaving the National Right to Life because she felt their mission didn’t go far enough to align with her Catholic beliefs. The mission of the American Life League is primarily an educational one. Some of the many ways they accomplish this are:

  • STOPP (Stop Planned Parenthood) – premier program of American Life League
  • Celebrate Life Publication – mailed to 60-70,000 homes every other month and also available online
  • Culture of Life Studies Program (CLSP) – this branch of ALL is an effective tool for educating young people on the scriptural truths of who they are and the fight for life. Resources include a multitude of materials such as brochures, teaching models, and DVDs which they strive to get into Catholic, private, and home schools. This program was created by Judie’s daughter, Catherine Daub.
  • Marian Blue Wave (celebrating its 3-year anniversary) – a movement aimed at fighting the demonic ideology of abortion by encouraging daily prayer for the closing of specific abortion facilities. For Catholic people, it encourages the praying of the rosary daily and for other denominations praying in accordance with their beliefs.

The Marian Blue Wave movement has witnessed results in terms of outreach to women in a crisis pregnancy and the closing of those facilities seeking to exploit them. The prayers offered in this movement come from as many non-Catholics as they do Catholics.

Also, key among the work done by American Life League is the research they conduct and the reports which ensue such as the just released report on Planned Parenthood facilities which reveals the abortion vendors’ increasing reliance on the “abortion pill” for revenues. The DIY abortion drug is now sold at 391 locations (an 82 percent growth over previous years), putting women and girls at serious risk as they self-abort without medical oversight.

Mr Brown had some interesting things to say about the information from this report and the evolution of the abortion pill in particular.

“What stopped me in my shoes was when I realized this pill is being manufactured by the same company that produced Zyklon B – the drug that was used in the extermination of millions of jews and political dissidents under the Nazis during World War II.”

He was even more surprised to learn from his research (and “no!” it’s not a conspiracy theory) that even before the lockdown in March of 2020, Planned Parenthood was already working on apps and websites so they could send pills for home abortions. To be clear, this was set up BEFORE the actual lockdown. Also accomplished was the signing of emergency orders allowing the interstate shipping of these pills. 

What exactly IS the procedure utilized for aborting with this pill? It is one which violates the sanctity of life even more and contains the potential for encouraging an even more calloused attitude to the ending of innocent life. While an expectant woman needs to visit a doctor, be examined, and receive the first dose under their supervision, the second dose is administered to one’s self at home.

Mr. Brown passionately continued,

“Imagine the scenario of death pills being supplied to our daughters and young women, them self-aborting, and then experiencing the emotional trauma, all alone, of expelling their baby in the toilet!

A key point from the Planned Parenthood Facilities report is that Planned Parenthood now has 133 fewer facilities than in 1973 begging the question: Is Planned Parenthood in decline? According to Mr Brown,

“not really. There is actually an uptick in abortions in spite of the decline in facilities. Much of this can be attributed to the abortion pill.”

The impact is astounding. The life of the unborn, in spite of the reversal of Roe v Wade, is more precarious than ever. According to Brown, Planned Parenthood, already benefiting from $500 million a year in tax dollars and charitable contributions from wealthy patrons such as Mackenzie Scott (Jeff Bezos’ ex-wife) in the amount of $270 million, has unlimited resources and the firepower of the world behind them.

Those of us who have a heart for life and want to get involved want to know, “What can we do?”

Mr. Brown offered this succinct answer:

  • Outlawing abortion isn’t the answer. Whether legal or not, without truth and proper education of the facts, abortion will continue. Be a part of educating in truth!
  • Pray! Pray against the demonic horror of abortion! The devil has been released. We must pray against it.
  • Get involved in your community. What is your church doing or how can you get involved on the local level?
  • Support the efforts of American Life League and other pro-life organizations.

Judie Brown, Planned Parenthood’s Public Enemy Number One, has done her part to make a difference for life! We can do the same!

Do not wait until some deed of greatness you may do
Do not wait to shed your light afar
To the many duties ever near you now be true
Brighten the corner where you are
Charles Hutchinson Gabriel

Read the 2021 Planned Parenthood Facilities Report, released in July 2022 by American Life League here.

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