The Path to Medical Freedom
The Path to Medical Freedom
Written By Lynn Bowman Tabb   |   06.03.22
Reading Time: 4 minutes

Information is power” and the Medical Freedom vs. Medical Tyranny Forum hosted by Illinois Family Institute was clearly an evening of empowerment! Attended by an estimated 500 people–young and old alike–the audience, rapt with attention, benefitted from the insights of Dr. Mark Zumhagen, MD and Dr. Simone Gold, MD,FD, founder of America’s Frontline Doctors (AFLDS).

Dr. Zumhagen started off the forum with an analysis of the war between science that acknowledges God and science that denies God. Illustrating this fact were the two chairs on the stage–one containing a Bible and one empty–a poignant example of the degradation that has ensued since God was removed from science dating back to 1859. Previous to this, scientists operated in an open system, a system where not only the natural realm but also the spiritual realm was taken into consideration. According to Zumhagen’s sources, Isaac Newton spent half his life studying the scriptures! His scientific study was conducted through the lens of the Creator’s truth–”in the beginning were the particles” (Gen. 1:1).

Watch his presentation here:

Dr. Zumhagen explains that without Scriptural truth, scientists are viewing science through the limited lens of Darwinian “truth” are left unable to answer these essential questions.

  • How do we get something from nothing?
  • How do we get life from non-life?
  • How do we get consciousness from non-consciousness ?
  • Why is there information in every cell and more importantly – where did it come from?

Having clearly and succinctly taken his audience through the process of “digging down to the roots,” Dr. Zumhagen left the audience with these points for action as one pursues a medical treatment plan and provider:

  • Which chair is the provider you are considering sitting in?
  • Always hang on tightly to the truth “you are made in the image of God”
  • Remember: science is corrupt because it has no moral framework

And finally and most pertinent to the forum, truth is the ONLY thing that will keep us safe and free!

Dr. Simone Gold

Carrying on the idea of “information is power,” Dr. Gold provided energy-packed insight around this idea penned by Thomas Jefferson to Charles Yancey, ironically on January 6, 1816:

“If a nation expects to be ignorant and free, in a state of civilization, it expects what never was and never will be.”

Watch her amazing presentation here:

Dr. Gold is dedicating her time and energy to ensure Americans are not ignorant so they can remain free. Likening the current situation to the year 1777 in the War for Independence, Dr. Gold noted the battles ahead will most effectively be fought and won as we as individuals increase our understanding and effectively use our limited time and resources. One of the points that needs to be won is to get judges to rule in favor of the Constitutional right to body autonomy. Thanks to the efforts of AFLDS, this was accomplished in part through the victory of keeping vaccine mandates from becoming law.

This is key because one of the most effective ways for a government to take over a people is through medical tyranny– a weapon of government warned against as far back as 1961 by Ronald Reagan:

One of the traditional methods of imposing statism or socialism has been by way of medicine….If you don’t do this, one of these days you and I are going to spend our sunset years telling our children and our children’s children what it was like in America when men were free.

Clearly, the next threat we will face to our liberty will be a “public safety issue;” and with the Biden administration on the brink of turning over our medical sovereignty as a nation to the World Health Organization (WHO), according to Gold, an organization controlled by China. This control dates back to 2003 when China was humiliated by the WHO. China vowed to never face that humiliation again, and they apparently have succeeded. As it stands at present, they are being praised by WHO Director-General Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus for their “containment” of the virus. This containment includes welding apartment building doors shut to keep people inside.

Also horrific to the concept of the United States’ handing over its sovereignty when the WHO deems there to be a “health emergency” is the WHO’s own definition of what constitutes a crisis. The WHO sees health as the mental, physical, or social well-being of a community. Under this definition, everything belongs to public health.

Having laid a foundation for removing some of our ignorance about the battle we are up against, Dr. Gold went on to assure the audience there IS a way forward. That way is for each individual to stop looking for a politician to come in and rescue us. That way is for each individual to become an ambassador for truth. AFLDS is providing the following resources to equip truth ambassadors:

  • Gold Care Health and Wellness Centers
    -Mission – to bring ethical doctors to communities.
    -awareness that we can’t feed the beast (medical insurance)
  • Breaking news – a 120-second news clip every day
  • Citizen Corps – local leadership bringing like-minded people together
  • League of Lions – youth organization dedicated to (counter the current culture that is against healthy masculinity)

Dr. Gold left the audience with these admonitions:

  • Become a subscriber to
  • Examine how you are spending your money and who you are supporting with it.

Choose places to spend your money with those that are protecting your interests.

  • Be mindful of the truth God is preeminent
  • As you seek to win others with truth, do not make individual issues the focus (experimental shots, masks, etc.). Rather, make Constitutionally protected liberties the focus.

Her final charge:

“I call you to action. I call you to truth. I call you to joy and the love of life, liberty, God, and Country. This is a revolution of love as much as a revolution of science. The facts are on our side. We just need you to stand up and fight for what is right.”

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