Tag Archives: Christopher Belt


Tampons for Boys: IL Dems Pay Tribute to the “Trans” Community on Memorial Day

While patriots around the country spent the weekend paying tribute to soldiers who died to preserve our God-given liberties, Illinois Democrats took advantage of the holiday to ruin Illinois further by paying tribute to “trans”-cultists. Democrat lawmakers hoped Illinoisans would be too busy honoring our servicemen and women to notice the repugnant legislation they were passing.
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Illinois Democrats Trying to Give More Power to Bureaucrats During All Health Crises

Leftists here in Illinois have been heeding the opportunistic control freak Rahm Emanuel’s instruction:

You never let a serious crisis go to waste. And what I mean by that it’s an opportunity to do things you think you could not do before.

Most Illinoisans going about their business, working hard and raising children, have heard nothing about the power grab underway right now by leftist swamp creatures in Springfield. As citizens continue to battle governmental authorities—both elected and unelected—who have used the pandemic crisis to usurp our rights, swampsters in Springfield are busy passing legislation to ensure the government will …

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Clowns to the Left of Dale Righter in Springfield

You must watch 8 gut-busting minutes of one floor “debate” that took place recently in the Springfield swamp. Then when you’ve caught your breath and dried those tears of laughter, take a moment to dash off a thank you to State Senator Dale Righter (R-Mattoon) for his exasperated and exquisite exposure of yet another exasperating and chuckleheaded bill sponsored and unfortunately passed by Springfield clowns.

The bill (HB 3394) amends the Business Corporation Act of 1983 in such a way as to try to force corporations to judge people by the color of their skin—or rather by the …

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PODCAST: Clowns to the Left of Dale Righter in Springfield

You must watch 8 gut-busting minutes of one floor “debate” that took place recently in the Springfield swamp. Then when you’ve caught your breath and dried those tears of laughter, take a moment to dash off a thank you to State Senator Dale Righter (R-Mattoon) for his exasperated and exquisite exposure of yet another exasperating and chuckleheaded bill sponsored and unfortunately passed by Springfield clowns.

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