Tag Archives: George Tiller


Abortionist Works on Bicep Strength to Extract Those Darn Baby Heads

The Center for Medical Progress has released a disturbing new video in which David Daleiden interviews abortionist/obstetrician Dr. DeShawn Taylor who used to kill humans in the womb for Planned Parenthood but started her own abattoir in Arizona in 2013. Taylor is also a member of NARAL Pro-Choice Arizona and the National Abortion Federation Society of Family Planning.
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Details on Tonight’s Pro-Late-Term Abortion Documentary

For those who want to watch or record the pro-late-term abortion film After Tiller airing on PBS tonight, it’s being shown from 10:00-11:00 p.m. on WTTW. It’s being shown as part of PBS’s P.O.V. series, which airs documentaries with a “point of view.” (P.O.V.: After Tiller will be shown at 9:00 p.m. on WTVP-HD 47.1  in Central Illinois)

Here are links to clips that are labeled “classroom clips” on the PBS website:

How Far Does the Right to Protest Go?

Women Are the Experts On Their Own Lives

Serena’s Story

In a PBS interview, the two filmmakers, Lana Wilson

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PBS’ Labor Day Special on Late-Term Abortion

In honor of Labor Day, the Public Broadcasting Company (PBS) is showing the documentary After Tiller that follows America’s four remaining late-term abortionists as they seek to “help” women by murdering their full-term or nearly full-term babies.
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ACLU & Hope Abortion Clinic Target Illinois Parental-Notification Law

The ACLU has filed a lawsuit on behalf of Dr. Allison Cowett and Hope Clinic for Women Ltd. to stop Illinois’ parental notification law from taking effect on Nov. 3, 2009. This law requires that minor girls under the age of 18 notify their parents prior to an abortion and wait 48 hours. Note that this is merely a parentalnotification law– not a parental consent law. In addition, Illinois, like all 34 other states that have parental notification laws, has a judicial bypass option available to girls. In addition, girls can bypass parental notification in an emergency situation or …

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