Tag Archives: HB 2495


May Day Meltdown!

Illinois state lawmakers are on spring break for the next two weeks. Many of them have announced "in-district" work hours. This is a great time to get an appointment with your state representative and senator to talk to them about your concerns, especially your concerns about these extreme anti-life bills which would expand abortion's reach in our state...
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Shocking Information About Illinois Medicaid and Pregnant Women

Maybe everyone knew this but me. If not, you better be sitting down for this one.

Though not required by law, Illinois provides a program of benefits called Medicaid Presumptive Eligibility(MPE). MPE “offers immediate, temporary coverage for outpatient healthcare for pregnant women…. There are no co-payments or premiums in MPE.” MPE, which takes effect immediately and remains in effect for 30 days after the month in which it takes effect, provides “outpatient services like prenatal checkups, doctor visits, lab tests, prenatal vitamins, medicine, specialty medical care, eye care, dental care, emergency room care, mental health and …

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Más Extremismo Sobre el Aborto Para Illinois

En respuesta a la ley de aborto peligrosa” y ” la innecesaria ley de aborto la cual requiere notificacion a los padres” y “buscando proteger la abilidad de todas las personas …” (enlace a ) Planned Parenthood, ACLU y Personal PAC han unido sus fuerzas, una vez más, para erradicar todos y cada uno de los límites para matar bebés en Illinois.

Por dónde empezar…

El empujón proviene de la oficina del gobernador JB Pritzker y se ha materializado en forma de 2 proyectos de ley. El contenido del proyecto aún no se ha sometido, pero la intención …

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