Tag Archives: HJR 55


Support the Bold Work of Illinois Family Institute

The theme for Illinois Family Institute’s recent fall banquet was boldness, and our theme verse highlights that quality: “The wicked flee when no one pursues, but the righteous are as bold as a lion” (Proverbs 28:1).

Boldness is exemplified by courage, confident strength, resolute purpose, and wisdom that expresses itself with measured words and actions.

For decades, Christian conservatives have tried the kinder, gentler approach with our adversaries. We’ve desperately tried to find common ground wherever and whenever we could. Yet time after time, especially in Springfield, that approach has failed.

Regressive politicians, activists, and many in the …

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Don’t Let Springfield Lawmakers Silence Our Pro-Life Voice!

HJR 55 is the anti-life Left’s blatantly vicious scheme to deprive IFI — and ultimately all Illinois pro-life conservatives — of exercising our constitutionally-protected First Amendment Right to Free Speech!
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Praying for Our Enemies

We at IFI and IFA have been humbled and blessed by the words of encouragement, prayers, and support we have received over the past two weeks from subscribers. We can’t adequately express how thankful we are for such support or describe how is has bolstered our spirits and strengthened our resolve to act and speak boldly in defense of the least among us.
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Left-Wing Partisans File Stunning Resolution Against Illinois Family

Illinois is morally, fiscally, and intellectually bankrupt, and you know what some lawmakers in swampy Springfield are doing with their time and taxpayers’ money? They’ve crafted a stunning resolution titled “Illinois Family Action-Hate Speech” (HJR 55) condemning Illinois Family Action (IFA) and Illinois Family Institute (IFI), falsely accusing us of bigotry and engaging in “hate speech” because in two articles we compared the abortion holocaust to the Nazi Holocaust.
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Left-Wing Partisans File Stunning Resolution Against Illinois Family

Illinois is morally, fiscally, and intellectually bankrupt, and you know what some lawmakers in swampy Springfield are doing with their time and taxpayers’ money? They’ve crafted a stunning resolution titled “Illinois Family Action-Hate Speech” (HJR 55) condemning Illinois Family Action (IFA) and Illinois Family Institute (IFI), falsely accusing us of bigotry and engaging in “hate speech” because in two articles we compared the abortion holocaust to the Nazi Holocaust.

The ten “progressive” sponsors of the resolution falsely accuse IFA of distributing “multiple anti-Semitic, homophobic, threatening, and hateful posts on their official social media page, callously belittling the …

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