Tag Archives: Hope Clinic


Illinois’ Pro-Human Slaughter Devotees Help Out-of-State Abortion Seekers

It’s hard to fathom that for some people, facilitating human slaughter is the animating purpose of their lives. For some, ensuring that women are legally free to slaughter their own offspring is what gives their lives meaning. And unfortunately, many of them live in Illinois, thereby ensuring that the Illinois swamp is filled with not just fetid excrement coming from Springfield and the governor’s mansion but also with the blood of human fetuses.
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Abortion Battle Continues as Pandemic Rages

As the Coronavirus pandemic wears on, government officials have shut down schools and businesses while stressing social distancing. The work continues to get personal protective equipment (PPE) into the hands of medical personnel with even elective surgeries canceled for the foreseeable future. However, the pandemic hasn’t slowed down the abortion industry.
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ACLU & Hope Abortion Clinic Target Illinois Parental-Notification Law

The ACLU has filed a lawsuit on behalf of Dr. Allison Cowett and Hope Clinic for Women Ltd. to stop Illinois’ parental notification law from taking effect on Nov. 3, 2009. This law requires that minor girls under the age of 18 notify their parents prior to an abortion and wait 48 hours. Note that this is merely a parentalnotification law– not a parental consent law. In addition, Illinois, like all 34 other states that have parental notification laws, has a judicial bypass option available to girls. In addition, girls can bypass parental notification in an emergency situation or …

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Hope Clinic Slaughterhouse Butchers Arkansas Girl

Written by Angela Michael –SmallVictoriesUSA.com

Midwest’s largest late-term abortion mill, where parental consent is not necessary, maimed yet another pregnant mother and murdered her six month old baby.

“The doctors were getting lazy when I was there. They are inducing a lot more women to speed up the process. I’ve seen some stuff and frankly am tired of the clinic… I hate all the bad things they are doing, putting lives in danger!” ~ former Hope Clinic employee 

On Friday we found out that Jahila, from Arkansas, was 24 weeks pregnant. She already had another baby back home and …

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Granite City Pregnancy Center Stands Against False Hope as True Beacon of Hope

Written by Lisa Sergent, Director, Communications & Assist. Editor –Illinois Baptist State Association

Nearly 1.4 million abortions have been performed every year since the United States Supreme Court made abortion legal 35 years ago. Today, there are five clinics in Illinois providing abortions, ending the lives of 46,467 infants in 2006 alone. At least 87 pregnancy care centers are located around the state with the mission of showing women abortion is not the answer. 

Granite City, Ill. is home to one of the abortion providers – Hope Clinic, the only clinic in a ten state radius where women can …

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