Tag Archives: Kristan Hawkins


Prepare for the Wrath of the Pro-Abortion Militants

I recently tweeted, “Regardless of the charges against Justice Kavanaugh, this much is absolutely clear. The frenzied attempt to try to keep him out of the U.S. Supreme Court is simply a battle for the ‘right’ to abort babies in the womb. That’s the bottom line.”

Similar sentiments were expressed by Brandon Morse, writing on RedState.com: “The whole reason Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh is in the crosshairs of a sexual assault allegation, and a media circus is ensuing, is because the left is 100 percent focused on making sure their ability to abort children and profit …

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Students for Life Challenge Ohio Congressman on Abortion

U.S. Representative Tim Ryan (D-OH) made national news last week when he changed his position on abortion from protecting the rights of the pre-born to dismissing those rights in favor of abortion.

Disturbed by the Congressman’s reasoning for his switch, high school and college students plan to visit his office in Washington, D.C. at 2pm today, Tuesday, February 3, to voice their concerns.

“Particularly troubling in Congressman Ryan’s op-ed was that he completely dismissed the humanity of the preborn baby,” said Kristan Hawkins, president of Students for Life of America. “By using familiar talking points from the abortion industry, …

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The Rape Exception

I remember when I was a “newbie” pro-lifer. I had accepted the basic premises of our movement: that life begins at conception, that life is intrinsically valuable, and that abortion hurts women and families, not just children. However, as most “new” pro-lifers often believe, I thought abortion in the case of rape and incest was morally “okay.”
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