We should make public policy and encourage social norms that reflect the truth about the human person and sexuality, not obfuscate the truth about such matters and sow the seeds of sexual confusion in future generations for years to come.
Laurie Higgins
On Saturday, Feb. 28 Yvette Cormier entered her Midland, Michigan Planet Fitness gym to work out. To her surprise, she found a man in the locker room. She reported the incident to the front desk and was told that the man “identifies” as a woman and that Planet Fitness gyms—including their locker rooms—are “no judgment zones.”
Laurie Higgins
Much metaphorical ink has been spilt over the un-American assault on the religious liberty of elderly Washington florist Barronelle Stutzman, who has withstood withering personal attacks and repressive government action with grace, courage, and steadfastness.
I’m reluctant to beat dead...
Laurie Higgins
Homosexual activists, intent on using every cultural institution—including public schools, the courts, and legislatures—to advance their non-factual beliefs, have been successful in their efforts in large measure because they have lied to Americans. How have they lied to Americans? Let...
Monte Larrick
Stephen Black of the Restored Hope Network changed his sexual orientation as a young man and believes others should have the right to do the same. Not so for the all-knowing legislators in Springfield who are currently looking to pass...
Dr. Michael L. Brown
I’m pleased to see that the Southern Poverty Law Center has come to its senses and apologized to Dr. Ben Carson, removing him from their “extremist” list. But they need to apologize to me too, since I’m still on their...
Laurie Higgins
In October 2014, the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) put Dr. Benjamin Carson on its “Extremist Watch List.” Why? Because Dr. Carson holds the traditional, historical, and true belief that marriage is the union of one man and one woman...
As we continue to watch insanity reign in our nation on far too many levels, yet another activist federal judge, an Obama appointee who apparently does not know the difference between the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence, has overruled the will of the people in the State of Virginia and declared its ban on same-sex "marriage" to be "unconstitutional." So continues the warped, vicious assault on truth, reason, the family and our freedoms.
Laurie Higgins
Lesbian activist State Representative Kelly Cassidy (D-Chicago) is trying to rush out of committee her ill-conceived, poorly written mess of a bill that would prohibit any counseling efforts that may help minors construct an identity that does not include affirmation...
Laurie Higgins
Sometimes we’re able to float through life blissfully unaware of the offal that the television, movie, cable, and video-streaming industries feed the culture. Often, we have a remarkable capacity for ingesting it and ignoring the vomit that results from ingesting...
Thomas Banks worked for Ford in Michigan for more than three years as a product engineer. But one day he received an email, left a message in the comments section, and two weeks later – in August 2014 – was...
Laurie Higgins
IFI is richly blessed by the supportive, encouraging, wise, impassioned, and eloquent email messages and Facebook comments we receive. Yesterday, we received just such a message in response to the call-to-action article about State Representative Kelly Cassidy’s (D-Chicago) anti-identity-choice bill,...
Alliance Defending Freedom says it will be interesting if the state of Colorado decides to disregard the fundamental freedoms of all its citizens – or instead decides to play favorites when it comes to bakeries, wedding cakes, and same-sex "marriage."
Laurie Higgins
Doggedly committed to pro-homoeroticism, lesbian activist State Representative Kelly Cassidy (D-Chicago) has resurrected the dangerous “Conversion Therapy Prohibition Act,” which seeks to prohibit minors from receiving any counseling that involves efforts to change homoerotic desire, homoerotic activity, gender-confused feelings, and...