The Consequences of Sexual Immorality with Dr. John Diggs
By Kenna Rose   |   06.21.23
Our culture deals with the pervasive sin of sexual immorality to the point where many people just view sex outside of marriage (in every way possible) as “normal.” It’s a serious problem, and the root of a lot of the current cultural chaos. At Illinois Family Institute’s 2023 Worldview Conference, Dr. John Diggs spoke on “The Consequences of Sexual Immorality.”
Share The Love Of Jesus With Your Jewish Neighbor
By David Lovi   |   06.03.23
I grew up as a “Cashew.” For those who are unfamiliar with that term, a "cashew" is a person with one Catholic parent and one Jewish parent. Though in my case, neither of my parents practiced their respective faiths very often. I distinctly remember when I was a child, my mother taking me to church a couple of times on Christmas Eve for midnight Mass. On Jewish holidays, I’d sometimes go over to a cousin’s house the day after Yom Kippur to “break the fast” (even though we never actually fasted…but that was not brought up).
Peter Breen Joins Our Line-Up at the IFI Forum on Religious Liberty
By David E. Smith   |   05.23.23
We are pleased to announce that former state legislator Peter Breen has been added to our line-up of speakers for the IFI Special Forum on Religious Liberty.  In addition to being a pro-life hero, Peter leads the Thomas More Society’s Legal Team in service of its Life, Family, and Religious Liberty missions.
IFI Forum on Religious Liberty
By David E. Smith   |   05.20.23
Religious liberty is often called our “first freedom,” as all other human rights stem from it. It is an unalienable right given to us by Almighty God, who expects us to be good stewards of this gift, not only for ourselves but for posterity and as an example for the world and all those who yearn for true liberty.
Ascension Day
By Calvin Lindstrom   |   05.18.23
Thursday, May 18, 2023 marks the 1,993rd anniversary of the ascension of Jesus Christ into heaven. Unlike Christmas and Easter, this celebration of the culmination of our Lord’s earthly ministry does not receive much attention culturally. In some nations, Ascension Day was a public holiday, but in our post-Christian era, we have adopted new “holy” days.
God, The Perfectionist
By Rev. Thorin Anderson   |   05.16.23
God is loving, we are told, and thus accepts us as we are.  The idea that God will judge people for their sins is now so unpopular that few are willing to state it publicly, and many pastors have sadly bowed to the pressure to present a palatable God, a doting “Grandpa” who silently approves of His children regardless of their conduct. 
Woke Intolerance
By Ecce Verum   |   05.09.23
We've all seen the bumper sticker that spells COEXIST by combining the symbols of major world religions in a convenient order. The bumper sticker seems reasonable; after all, isn't it just representing the world as it is—people of many religions all existing side by side in the same space? If that were all the bumper sticker meant, then I might consider putting one on my car; it's an obviously true fact about the world. However, the sticker means much more than that...
Updates on Major Religious Liberty Cases: Groff at SCOTUS and Catholic Charities Bureau in Wisconsin
On Tuesday, April 18th, the U.S. Supreme Court heard oral arguments for a monumental religious liberty case known as Groff v. DeJoy. At the heart of this case are the questions: do American citizens have Constitutionally protected rights under the First Amendment to the "free exercise" of their faith in the workplace, and; are employers obligated to grant reasonable religious accommodations.
Daniel, The Lion’s Den, and American Christians
By Rev. Thorin Anderson   |   04.27.23
Many years ago, I asked a gentleman from Japan why he had come to the United States.  His reply startled me. He said that he had come to the U.S. to find Christianity because it is the religion of love and therefore had to be the right religion!  He saw a connection between Christianity, the love it manifested, and the United States.
God and Guns
By Rev. Thorin Anderson   |   04.15.23
I was, for a short time during college, a volunteer fireman, and my responsibility was to operate the equipment while more experienced firemen entered the burning building.  Following a fire at one house, another student who had gone inside told me how he stood in the smoke-filled kitchen spraying water at the flames to no avail.  It wasn’t until he realized that he was facing a mirrored wall and that the flames were actually behind him that he turned and was able to extinguish the fire.  As long as he was sending water in the wrong direction the fire continued unabated.
Opposing Transgenderism Is Not Genocide
By Oliver Perry   |   04.14.23
America’s children are being targeted by sex predators. Their recruiters are already in our schools and libraries. These “transgender” people need your children as converts. Consider: Children returning from school carrying "gender unicorn lessons," which teach strange ideas of sex and gender; Public libraries are conditioning your children through “drag queen readings" to get children familiar with these recruiters; Schools are hiding from parents that they're giving puberty blocking drugs to their children.
Secularism or Paganism?
By Jonathan Alban   |   04.11.23
For the last century, the United States of America has engaged in a great secular experiment: what if we pretended that God was irrelevant? What if we pretended that we could make laws that ignored God? Could the ‘public square’ be a place of free, rational discourse—free from claims about the implications of Christian theism on public life? This pretended neutrality has served to reveal one thing: that the line between secularism and paganism is dangerously thin.
An Open Letter to American Christians
By Rev. Thorin Anderson   |   03.11.23
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ: I realize that there are many definitions of what a Christian is, but I am writing to those of you who have, like me, trusted Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior and have been born again. We live in perilous times, and for the first time in hundreds of years on this continent, we face serious opposition and potential persecution. 
The Left’s Assault on Free Speech
By Rev. Thorin Anderson   |   12.31.22
Who would ever have imagined that free speech would be at risk in America, and that by, among others, members of the Media? Have journalists forgotten that it has been practitioners of their art who have so often been the...
Compelled Speech? The 303 Creative SCOTUS Case
By Ecce Verum   |   12.27.22
Not much time has passed since Christian baker Jack Phillips fought to defend his choice not to make cakes celebrating homosexual unions (2018), and Christian florist Baronelle Stutzman dealt with multiple lawsuits regarding her choice not to arrange flowers for...
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The Push to Limit “Choice” to Abortion in Illinois
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